The Value of Adult Play – Staying young, staying healthy

Do you get outside and play?

Move your body?

Feel light on your feet?

Compete and get your adrenaline going?

Adult play is important. But too often, we allow the humdrum of everyday life to wear us down and force us into dull routines. We forget that allocating time for fun – for play – is a choice.

We used to play as kids, but now don’t make time for it.

And we’re worse off.

Reclaiming the right to play as an adult

Maybe you don’t want to look silly – I think a lot of us feel this way.

Maybe it doesn’t fit your schedule – all of us are busy.

Maybe we just don’t feel that way anymore – life is serious and we’re professionals, after all.

But what if the benefits are worth it?

Having fun and feeling alive.

A break from the hard things.

A reprieve from the pressure, the deadlines and the responsibility imposed on us by modern life.

what others might think? It doesn’t matter.

Too often, we allow the judgments of other people – real or perceived – to hold us back.

Don’t second-guess.

Let it go.

Those who would judge us aren’t worth our concern anyway.

Get out there. Make the time.

All of us – kids and adults alike – need to go outside and play.

For your physical health, your mental health, and for the side of you that wants to remain forever young.